It just might be a day to do something other than turn on the television.
Whether you have the whole day free or only have a few precious hours of sunlight at the end of a work or school day, today might be a day to skip the election result updates and get out and enjoy being the person you want to be. The skateboarder. The fashionista. The unique person who is always looking toward a future that will welcome friends and family into a world that is free from judgement, free from labels, free from dangerous stereotyping.
Before you grab your board and head out to the park, however, how about a little shopping for that one item that might be able to help you set yourself apart from the masses? HAve you considered visiting one of the Supreme LA stores to check out the summer clearance racks? HAve you considered stopping by one of the Supreme LA stores to see the long sleeve fashions for this winter. Your tricks on the new board might catch even more attention if you are also wearing one of the newest styles of Supreme shirts, a rad looking Supreme bookbag, or one of the many 5 panel hats.
This election season has been too long. You have listened to your parents debating this candidate and that state’s referendum to legalize recreational weed. You need a break. A break from the heavy discussions that your friend’s pushed on you all day at school. A break from the continuing poll numbers that continue to run across the bottom of the television screen and fill the social media feeds. Perhaps most of all, you need a break from the endless finger pointing in a nation that cannot seem to get its act together and still only has a less than 55% voter turnout in one of the most important elections in America’s history.
A stop at one of the best skateboarding stores in the city might be just enough to distract you from all of the political noise of the day. You worked a couple of long shifts last weekend and just might decide to spend some of that paycheck on one of the skateboarding shoes you saw on a friend. With a price range of styles that fall somewhere between $50 and $100, you can likely find something that will pique your interest as well as match what is in your wallet. Yo may only have a 3% chance of finding what you want in that store on the way to the skateboarding park, but you might at least get an idea of something you might want to look for online.
As one of the 11 million skateboarding fans in the country, a new addition to your wardrobe might make you stand out from the crowd, separate yourself from the other kids at the park who are trying to escape the noise and the bad news of this recent political scene. Your favorite Supreme LA store might have just what you need.
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