Textiles stands as one of the biggest industries in the world, and while billions of dollars are spent every year on new, trendy clothes and accessories, American consumers are not always as efficient or charitable with clothes as they could be, but the goods news is, donations are always an option, and just a matter of choosing what clothes to donate, and finding where to drop them off. Often, asking “Where can I donate clothes?” or performing an online search can help any American citizen find the nearest collection place for veterans charities, donating children in need clothing, and more. Clothes do not have to go to waste in a landfill or in someone’s closet; helping families in need is often just a matter of motivation rather than any real challenge, and donating this way can feel very rewarding. Impoverished veterans or families always need new clothes; children in need clothing can always be given away.
The Textile Business
Textiles is huge, but not always efficient. It is believed that Americans donate or recycle their old, unwanted clothes at a rate of only about 15%, while the rest, which amounts to a staggering 10.5 million tons every year, will end up in landfills. This means that textiles suffers one of the lowest recycling rates of any reusable material out there. What is more, the Council for Textile Recycling holds that the United States will generate some 25 billion tons of new textiles every singe year, but of all this, 85% ends up in landfills, while secondhand stores and other sources claim the remaining 15% of it. Every year, around 2 million tons of clothe are recycled by Americans every year, but under half of it is actually worn again by another person. 30% is cut up and used as industrial rags, and another 20% is shredded for use as furniture stuffing or house wall insulation. How, then can children in need clothing and clothes for veterans and low income families get the clothes they need?
Getting Donations Done
The goods news is that not truly all clothes go to waste, and children in need clothing and more often ends up where it needs to go thanks to current, ongoing charity efforts for military families and veteran donations. In the year 2011, for one, some 2 million tons of clothes were recycled or donated by Americans, and most of it ended up in the hands of charity drives and other donation initiatives. Earlier, in the year 2007, it is estimated that $5.8 billion worth of clothing donations were made to charity foundations in the United States. All these statistics are encouraging, and what is more, these rates can be driven up with simple awareness of the constant need for clothing donations and the ease of donating.
Donating clothes is a simple and free process, at least typically. Many Americans own more clothes than they intend to wear, and these excess clothes can easily be sent to secondhand stores for lower income shoppers, and alternatively, they can be donated to local charities with minimal trouble. A citizen can use an online search or ask around to find out where the nearest drop points are, and sometimes, these charities might have general guidelines on what should be donated there. A person can then collect their unused clothes into bags or bundles, drive to the location, and place the donations in the appropriate container, which is often marked and easily visible. This process typically does not even incur any fees or other expenses. The real challenge may be awareness: of how many families need these clothes, and children in need clothing is always accepted. Even landfills will benefit from this, not being clogged with huge piles of clothes that could instead be worn by those in need. For the citizen’s part, donating can feel good, and it clears up space in a person’s closet and wardrobe.