On average, women will have around 104 different hairstyles over the course of their lives and these hairstyles can be further changed up with wigs or hair extensions. Almost six out of 10 black consumers will change up their look with a wig, weave, or hair extensions. There can be a number of reasons for changing your look — a study done with 3,000 participants showed that almost 45% of women changed the way their hair looked because they were bored and over 60% did so because they wanted a change of some kind. Hair extensions and beauty don’t necessarily go hand in hand, but for many, hair extensions are a way to try out a new look and enhance their natural hair. So what you should know about hair extensions and beauty? How can you find a good hair stylist?
Why Experiment With Your Hair?
The best thing about hair is that it grows back! It’s probably one of the easiest parts of your body to experiment with — unlike tattoos, which can be difficult to remove, or piercings, which can still leave a mark even once they’ve been removed — cutting or restyling your hair can be pretty low impact.
Around one-third of women will dye their hair or change hairstyles after a breakup or divorce, focusing on reinventing themselves. Almost 20% will do so to hide gray hairs and others switch their style up to celebrate a milestone (birthdays, the birth of a child, etc.).
African Americans spent almost $7.5 billion in 2009 on personal care products or services, says Target Market News and many African American women will change their hair style with extensions, weaves, or wigs fairly frequently.
Talk to Me About Hair Extensions and Beauty
Hair extensions can give those with short hair a little extra length if they want to rock a hairstyle that requires longer locks, provide better volume, more luster, and may hold style better than one’s natural hair. For those dissatisfied with their normal hair, hair extensions and beauty can go hand in hand, providing flawless hair that you don’t need to spend hours styling in the morning.
High quality extensions are made of real human hair and are fused to one’s real hair usually with keratin, but there are also synthetic options available. They can be as low as $300 or as pricy as $10,000 and there are a variety of ways to get extensions, from clip ins to having it bonded to your actual hair. It’s important to remember than even the priciest extensions are only temporary and taking them out (if you haven’t opted for the clip in kind) can be a process.
However, the confidence boost and variety of styles that extensions offer makes it worth it! Sales seem to agree — the Professional Beauty Association released a report that showed the last two years have shown an almost 29% uptick in salons in the United States that offer hair extensions.
How Do I Find a Good Hair Stylist?
Choosing a stylist can be a process of trial and error for some, while others research a salon, walk in, and find a salon — and stylist — they never want to leave. Getting referrals from family or friends is always a good bet when it comes to finding a stylist you love. A friend or family member who has a similar style to you will probably be able to refer a stylist who you also connect with.
Checking out salons online and what kind of reviews they have is also smart. Many reviewers will name the stylist they had and you can always call and request that particular person. There’s a good chance there will still be an element of trial and error to the process, but referrals and careful research can help eliminate some of that.
Try a different hairstyle or color this season! You may find a new cut or color that you love. If you’re not willing to commit to a short length permanently, remember that there’s always extensions!