People cherish birthday parties: whether it is kids or adults. In the modern world, a custom birthday party shirt has become the order of the day. Thanks to the digital era, you can get birthday decorations online.
Several birthday decoration websites allow you to get birthday direct party supplies. As long as you have access to the internet, you can get a list of birthday party companies near you.
Choosing from the available companies is an easy task. Read through the comment section of various birthday party companies’ websites to get the best-rated companies. With this, you understand the type of services the companies offered.
Your selection should be from companies with more positive comments as compared to negative feedback. Considering that birthday parties are frequent and favorite gatherings, it is essential to make the event enjoyable.
Avoid the time-consuming nature of the planning process by hiring professional event planning services. This reduces the hassle of cooking, cleaning, and preparations that accompany the process. Professional birthday party planning services guarantee the best designs and supplies needed for the event.
The creativity and skills of the company ensure that the day is not dull neither stressful. Consider the budget to ensure you use a reasonable and affordable amount for the event.

The human body is a work of art. Tattoos are just one of many ways of embracing that! Custom tattoo manufacturers, in particular, understand not everyone wants to commit to a permanent tattoo. Sometimes people are indecisive and want a little more time before choosing which beautiful drawing or lettering will stay on their skin for life. Others just want to have some fun with family during the holidays. Wherever you land on the scale, you’ll benefit from looking below and learning about all the ways you can incorporate metallic temporary tattoos into your life.
The History Of Tattoos
Before we look into kid temporary tattoos and cute glitter tattoos, let’s delve into a little history. Tattoos have been around for a very long time. Some of the oldest recordings of tattoos were in various Polynesian cultures all the way back in the 18th century. These have been used for all sorts of reasons, from a rite of passage to simple decoration, though technique has seen some major shifts over the centuries. We now enjoy more modern tools of creating the same brilliant, classic art we’ve always admired.
Mica flakes have a similar effect as glitter (found in ancient Egyptian and Greek cultures) and have been used as far back as cave paintings.
General Tattoo Safety
A very common (and understandable) concern brought up about tattoos, including temporary ones, is that of safety. The last thing you want to do is ruin a good day by overlooking the basics! Permanent tattoos have a 10% chance of complications, which include adverse reactions, allergic reactions, itching, swelling and flaking. Temporary tattoos, on the other hand, are much safer and can be removed easily. A recent study found three out of 10 Americans with at least one tattoo saying they regret their decision.
A custom temporary tattoo is a fun and safe way to decorate yourself without worrying about the aftermath!
Holidays, Events, Birthdays, Oh My!
There are a ton of different events just waiting for you to make your mark. Kids absolutely love glitter tattoos and will eagerly line up for the opportunity to decorate their arms and faces. For those that aren’t familiar with setting up little temporary tattoo booths at birthday parties or holiday events, just follow these guidelines. The best tattoos for kids are 1.5 x 1.5″, a small enough size to fit on small hands, cheeks and foreheads.
Try creating a fun theme for your party to play off of. This can help when you’re already stressed out with invitations, game ideas or budgeting.
Delightful Temporary Tattoo Ideas
There’s nothing to worry about when it comes to ideas. Custom tattoo manufacturers have you covered. Fashion temporary tattoos come in just about every color, subject and style you can think of, meaning any event you have in mind will only stand to benefit from this additional artistic touch. Butterflies, unicorns and flowers are cute ideas you can start with, while some children might prefer dragons or their favorite cartoon characters. Adults that want to get involved will no doubt love some of the more ornate or classic fashion tattoos on the market.
Custom tattoo manufacturers are always coming up with new ideas, to boot, so keep checking back for anything that might catch your eye!
The year isn’t over quite yet. How can you spice up an upcoming birthday party or Christmas event?