One of the most common and popular activities in the United States would surprise the average person. As a matter of fact, it is without question that this activity is shocking to the average person. Right now, according to real data, giving to charities at some level is the most popular activity amongst Americans. Understand that recent data has revealed that 95% of all Americans participate in giving at some level and understand donation guidelines.
Donation guidelines are much simpler than most people think. As a matter of fact, there are some donations will potentially pick up your donated items. Humanity generates 21.5 million tons of food waste each year. If we composted that food, it would reduce the same amount of greenhouse gas as taking 2 million cars off the road.
While there are no real donation guidelines to abide by, there are some general rules to follow and understand. This includes trying to treat donating like recycling which means you donate items you do not use anymore or would normally toss in the trash. In 2012, Americans recycled and composted almost 87 million tons of material.
In 2007, an estimated $5.8 billion worth of clothing related donations were made to charity foundations in the United States. According to some people’s donation guidelines, this is the best way to donate items because it is an item that can be easily discarded. Here are some random facts on possible donation guidelines:
Donate Items You Normally Throw Away
If you want to donate clothing that is a great way to start. The average person will toss out nearly 4.5 pounds of trash each day and nearly 1.5 tons of solid waste each year as well. One of the best ways to make donations is by giving items away that are normally tossed out.
If every American recycled just one-tenth of their newspapers, we could save about 25 million trees each year. So simply using other methods besides throwing away trash is the best way to get involved with charity donations. So your next charitable donation should potentially be a donation full of clothing.
There are some donations, like purple heart donations, that are organizations that pick up donations, which makes it easy for you to donate as a result. However, what is truly impressive is that these donations are great because they really help people who need it.
Simple Donations Can Seriously Help Those Who Need Them
Right now, veterans are on the bad end of the stick when it comes to being respected for their service. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, an estimated 207,000 recent veterans were unable to find work in March of 2013. This is wrong and it is important to understand donation guidelines to help these veterans get good clothing.
The unemployment rate for veterans in the United States is 2% above the national average for regular citizens. Again, this does not seem right and that is because it is not right. These veterans have risked their lives for us and should receive proper living after serving in the military.
The other group of people who can benefit from proper donations is people who are below the federal poverty line. While there are some who negatively stigmatize the poor, they are wrong in doing so. Sometimes there are mitigating circumstances that can cause someone to become poor as opposed to them making bad choices that lead them to poverty.
Approximately 440,000 Philadelphia residents currently fall below the federal poverty line. Philadelphia is not the only place that deals with serious poverty as it is a problem that plagues plenty of American cities. However, that does not mean that locals should avoid donation guidelines. Instead, locals should lean into donations to help these people out.
An estimated 80% of donated clothing in the United States is used by charitable organizations for donation to the needy, and for funding. So there are a large portion of donations that go right to the people who need help. This is great for everyone involved as it reassures the donators that they are truly helping people.
In Conclusion
Anyone interested in learning more about donations should seek out local donation centers!