Charity is undoubtedly a good thing. There was a time in the not too distant past when there were hardly any charities at all and people in need went mostly unheeded. Actually, for a lot of history this is how it was. People in need stayed in need because there was no economic incentive to help them. You just need to take a cursory glance at history to see that. Yes, there were poor houses to a certain extent but most places and times, speaking in terms of human history at least, were very lax about helping anyone who may have had less than the normal masses. Rome did very little to help their poor, as did the Greeks. The Chinese had a few institutions in their classical period but not many. When the age of exploration came, most of the poorer countries, or the less technically advanced countries, had any amount of poverty they had increased tenfold because their other neighbors began to rampantly exploit them. Helping families in need was not in vogue throughout a lot of history, as wasn’t veteran donations or veterans charities or veterans clothing donations. But nowadays we know better. In modern times, many of us keenly feel the need to help those who are less fortunate than us because we know it matters. We know, from all of these cultural and social lessons, that there is nothing more important than that. But what helps the most, exactly and how did we get here at all? What prompted this awakening in us and helped us understand that things like veterans clothing donations and charities in general were a good idea? Well let’s take a closer look.
- The beginnings of modern donations and charity
To understand how exactly we came to embrace those less fortunate than ourselves, you need to understand a little bit about the fabric of culture and history in the mid eighteen hundreds. Specifically, the conditions of labor and factories across the United States, Europe and parts of Asia. For a long time, the age of exploration had put a serious ethical dent in the social capital of the exploitative countries. They’d run pretty rampant across different countries for awhile and taken a lot of resources that needed processing. So, in light of this, of course, there was processing. A lot of it. Factories were set up all over the countryside and people began to move into cities where all of these industries were congregated. Hence the first large scale mechanical cities. These places demanded a whole new set of customs and manners as well because of all of the people living in them. Hence the first huge centers of multiculturalism were born.
Where we went from there
There was new dress and new languages and all sorts of new things but that wasn’t all. People began to see how life in this cities and giant mechanical jungles could degrade the individual human spirit. They saw how just a small change could put a lot of people out of work and plunge them into a poverty they just couldn’t get out of on their own. So they began to set up small donation organizations who’s sole purpose was to help all of the people who couldn’t help themselves. Because they knew it was the right thing to do and it could just as easily be them as well. These organizations were the ones that would eventually become the veterans clothing donations and food pantries that we have today. And their uses, as far as anyone is concerned, go far deeper than they might seem.
How communication affects everyone in society
Veterans clothing donations and food pantries are excellent tools for helping those trapped in poverty but they do far more than you might think. It’s not all about keeping people fed and warm though it is, of course, largely about that. It’s about giving people items that communicate to the world that it is alright to give. It is about showing them that giving is expected and that, in turn, they will be cared for. Helping one person helps the entire world.