What most of us call to mind when imagining traditional military camouflage is based upon patterns created in 1942 by artists Grant Wood and Jacques Villon who designed camouflage uniforms for the United Stated military. Originally, camo clothing began its reign as popular military garb during WW I, and since then, every branch of the armed forces in America has adopted camo clothing in some capacity. As time went on, however, military camouflage clothing transcended its original military orientation, and these days, camo clothing has become its own fashion statement.
One subset of the civilian population that particularly enjoys sporting camo clothing is the hunter. Camouflage hunting clothes help hunters remain hidden while they track prey. Military camo clothing first became a trend amongst those who hunt after Jim Crumley, an avid hunter, drew a camouflage pattern on his clothing with magic marker during the 1970s. However, there are now people from all walks of life who love wearing camo clothing. Camo clothing first became highly popular amongst lay people during the 1980s, according to Time Magazine.
There are several varieties of camouflage, the most popular of which is the Woodland pattern. Other types of camouflage patterns employed in camo clothing are color changing, countershading, and disruptive coloration. Each of these variations of camo clothing are now commonplace in a variety of different garments. One particularly popular trend of late in regards to camo clothing is formal wear designed for a camo themed wedding. Many a military bride enjoys sporting her camouflage wedding dress on the big day, and military grooms will often wear a camo formal suit jacket and camo formal vest when they take their vows. At military themed weddings, there are even camouflage party decorations and camouflage frosted wedding cakes!
Camo clothing and accessories continue to grow in popularity for a variety of reasons. The patterns of camouflage mimic those found in nature. Thus, environmentalists appreciate the pattern for its ecological associations. As well, because camo clothing is now produced in a myriad colors, including pink camo and silver camo, the pattern can be feminized so that even the girliest of girly girls can be fashion forwards while wearing womens camouflage clothing.