Are you happy with the way your skin looks? The truth is that just about everyone believes their skin could look just a little better. Perhaps they want a smoother, or clearer, or tighter face. They book facials, microdermabrasion, and botox hoping that a trip to the beauty spa will give them the better face they’re after. Our faces do need a little extra care, but with so many procedures available, it can be confusing to know which might be best for you.
The term “facial” is associated with spa treatments, but do you know what it actually entails? A trip to the aesthetician can actually accomplish a range of skin woes. For example, if you had dry skin they may offer a moisturizing facial, or conversely a purifying facial if your skin was congested (which is a nice way of saying acne). Different places will offer a variety of treatments, but if you want something more intensive, you may need to go to a specialist.
Let’s say you wanted to try microdermabrasion. As the name suggests, the procedure as outlined on the Plastic Surgery Organization’s website involves a minimally invasive procedure that removes the top layer of skin, with the aim to minimize visible signs of stretch marks, scarring, and discoloration. This is accomplished by using an abrasive tool against the skin, and only takes between 15 and 30 minutes. There is some peeling of the skin, with most cases being resolved after about 24 to 48 hours. This level of intense exfoliation simply cannot be replicated at home.
What are your beliefs on botox treatments? Even now, this cosmetic procedure is not as casually accepted as, say, microdermabrasion. Botox alters one’s aging face, almost undetectably when done well and severe when abused. And that is where people have their qualms: there is the potential that getting one’s face injected could go wrong. When done responsibly, botox is not the dirty secret it is sometimes portrayed as in social circles. A round of injections typically will last a person about four months, so if the results are unappreciated, it does not last forever.
The search for a balm against aging continues. We all age, that is the privilege and to some, the curse. Beauty treatments of varying intensities can slow the process, and it seems a new miracle is developed every other year. It can be difficult to stay on top of them all.