Participating in charitable giving is an essential part of helping to make sure that nobody goes without the things they need. Statistics show that most Americans, about 95.4%, do contribute to charitable organizations in one way or another. Residents in United States, on the whole, have a heart for giving, and, therefore, will go above and beyond to help those in need.
There are many charities that have been set up to receive donations for specific groups of people, and there are those charities that give to those in need, no matter who they are or what their status. Charitable organizations that have been set up to receive donations for military families were born out of the realization that there are many veterans who have served their country and have returned home unable to work for a variety of reasons. They are, therefore, unable to provide for themselves and their families, which, obviously, causes a domino effect of trouble to steamroll through their lives. Charities for military families accept donations of clothing and household items for veterans and their families that they would otherwise be without. In 2012 alone the unemployment rate of 18 to 24 year old returning veterans was 20.4%. Unfortunately, the rate of veterans not able to find work is higher than the national average of unemployed non veterans in the U.S.
There are hundreds of organizations set up throughout the United States that are focused on providing for those in need. They are not difficult to find. Along with support for military families, there are charities that pick up donations of clothing as well as household items in almost every town and city for all who are in need. Statistics show that every year in the United States 12 million tons of clothing are tossed out. Truthfully, clothing that is in good shape, or gently used, so to speak, could be put to much better use by being recycled and given to families who cannot afford the things they need. Rather than throwing good clothing away, more thought should be given to donating clothing to charity. Charity pick up is usually available in most places, so clothing donations are made easy.
It has been found that back in the year 1930 most women owned what amounted to nine outfits. That number has increased to 30 outfits by today’s standards. Incredible as this seems, there are still too many women who do not even have enough articles of clothing to piece together enough outfits for one week, or even a couple of days. There is typically a quick turnover in many closets throughout the U.S. and much of the clothing discarded still has a lot of life in it. A phone call to any charitable organization to arrange for a clothing donation pickup will bring both joy and relief to some fortunate person who is going through a hard time. Whether the organization chosen will only receive donations for military families or they accept donations for local families, military or not, it is always a winning situation. Helping those in need is always the right way to go.
Organizations that provide donations for military families are also geared toward servicemen and women returning home from active duty and entering into veteran status. Often they are in need of assistance during this transition with education, employment, and other needs involved in returning to civilian life. These organizations will also be involved while military personnel are deployed by providing care packages and even entertainment for the troops right where they are.
Charitable organizations depend upon donations to provide for these men and women while they are far away from home. With these donations they initiate programs at home for military spouses and children that make their lives easier while waiting for the return of their loved ones. They provide services for the wounded who have returned home and are trying to readjust to life in the states while recovering from physical injuries as well as emotional wounds.
Obviously, donations for military families to charitable organizations cover a vast number of diversified needs. These charities often provide for service men and women, and their families, from the beginning of their military experience and throughout their lives.