Beer proudly stands as one of the most popular drinks in the entire world, and it also has the distinction of being among the oldest. Beer goes back to the days of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, although the beers of that time were thick and even had chunks of bread in them, since beer usually acted more as a liquid meal than a fun drink. Over the centuries, brews of beer have continued to grow around the world, especially in Europe and later the United States and beyond, and from the Renaissance to now, many brands and flavors of beer have arrived for any lover of this drink to try out. The United States, Canada, Germany, Austria, and Ireland rank as some of the most beer-loving countries in the world, and plenty of brands and flavors are out there, not to mention scores of apparel and accessories related to popular brands. Apparel such as a Budweiser or Modelo shirt are a simple way to show one’s love for drink, and beyond a Modelo shirt, logo baseball caps are an option, or even a novelty like a Budweiser bathing suit and other Budweiser accessories. What is out there for today’s beer lover alongside a Modelo shirt or a Budweiser trucker hat? Who drinks beer today?
Beer and Industry
It may come to no surprise that beer is almost universally popular around the world among 18 to 21 year olds and older (depending on a country’s legal drinking age). Halloween, in particular, is a busy time for brews; beer ranks as the most popular drink for that holiday, with tequila and vodka taking second and third place. Among all holidays, Mardi Gras boasts the most drinks per person in the United States, with Americans consuming an average of 4.5 drinks on that holiday. In second place comes New Year’s Eve with 4.4 drinks per person, and St. Patrick’s Day is third place, with 4.2 drinks per person.
Drinking demographics vary somewhat. Among women, in a survey of 1,000 people, 44% stated that they associate New Year’s Eve with alcohol the most, while men tend to view St. Patrick’s Day as the most alcohol-focused holiday. Also, among Millenials, those born between 1982 and 1995, around 71% to 73% of people are drinkers of beer, wine, or liquor in general. Among older drinkers, those 55 and over, about 65% of them drink wine, beer, or other liquor.
Gift Giving
Beer, being so widely popular, is a great way to express oneself with accessories, and this means many chances for gift giving to friends and family who also love a good beer, from Miller and Modelo shirts on up to drinking vessels and even kegs. As listed on Simple Most. A growler is a good place to start. What is a growler? It can be thought of as an oversized, sturdy beer bottle that can be used and reused, not unlike a thermos. For example, any beer lover can fill his or her growler from a keg at a party or bar, then take the drink home secured in a growler. These vessels can also be customized with material, color, and exotic aesthetics like a dragon face or viking patterns. More gift ideas include fleece blankets with beer logos on them, a beer cap map of the United States, or stylish beer cap openers, such as those made from synthetic or real deer antler pieces for a countryside look. Coasters with fun beer quotes, beer bottle holding trays, and beer pong sets are other fun gift ideas one can send to friends and family.