November will soon be upon us, which means one thing… Black Friday video game sales! Alright! Video games are expensive nowadays, and many gamers rely on these holidays to get the games that they’ve coveted for so long. So when shopping Black Friday for your kids, grandkids, brothers, wives, or whomever the gamer in your life is, be on the lookout for these awesome titles amongst the Black Friday video game sales.
Aiden Pearce, a former criminal and genius hacker, has a criminal past that led to a violent tragedy in his family. Now, he’s on the hunt for those who hurt him. With his hacking skills, gamers will be able to monitor their surroundings by utilizing his impressive hacking skills to manipulate CC TVs, and anything connected to the city’s network. The entire city of Chicago is your ultimate weapon for revenge.
This ground breaking game is sure to be a must have for any bargain hunter watching Black Friday video game sales. It’s a ground breaking, open world action adventure game designed by a team of industry veterans who have worked on other such hits as Rainbow 6 and Far Cry. This game blends cutting edge technologies with a sophisticated game design system into a realistic and living open world that forces gamers to use and all means at their disposal to take out their enemies.
Although this game comes out a couple months before the Black Friday video game sales, it’ll surely still be a hot item to get. Gamers have been waiting patiently to get their hands on this game for a very long time. For any gamer who doesn’t yet have their hands on
Past games have explored such historical episodes as the American Revolution and the Renaissance. This time around, you will take on notorious pirates such as Blackbeard!
Although it’s release date is not yet determined, if out in time for the Black Friday video game sales, then it would be the perfect game for any and all gamer!
What are some of the Black Friday video game sales you all hope to get? Any Black Friday video game sales in particular that you are hopeful for? Please comment and share what titles you hope to find in the Black Friday video game sales of your favorite retailer!